About EMS

Active body ems pictorial mark

The science

The science behind EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) has been used for decades in rehabilitation, sports medicine and pro-athletic sports.  Recently it has been adapted to be used for fitness development, and athletes, celebrities and models around the world have used EMS to achieve better results.  With EMS, muscle contraction is generated by sending electrical impulses that simulate the impulses generated by the brain, the impulses are generated by the device and delivered through electrodes.  Muscles naturally contract in response to electrical signals sent by the brain, and EMS machines replicate these impulses causing muscles to contract on command.

During traditional strength training, the brain sends impulses which stimulate specific muscles to contract. However, not all muscles have a well-developed connection to the brain, and these muscles are not activated as easily, and therefore they will not develop so well.  EMS training stimulates all the major muscle groups and also helps to improve the motoric nerve connections relating to muscle movement.  By sending electric impulses directly to these motoric nerves, even the weakly connected muscles are activated.  So your muscles experience a much more intense training stimuli, and you get a full-body workout.


Strengthen Muscles

Strengthens and builds muscles, reaching muscle groups that are difficult to engage through traditional training.


Relieves Joints

EMS training spares the joints as there are no heavy weights involved, and all exercises are adapted to the individual level. 

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Time Efficient

With only 20 minutes, EMS will activate the muscles in your entire body, comparable to a 90 minute gym session. 

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Achieve Results

EMS activates 80% of the muscles fibres in your body providing you ultimate results in a shorter time period.

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Burns Fat

Higher stimulation increases the metabolism, accelerating fat burn, and supporting weight loss.

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Reduce Cellulite

Increased blood circulation of the muscular and connective tissues will be enhanced, which leads to firmer toned skin. 

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Balanced Body

By stimulating muscles symmetrically, and targeting specific ones, you can achieve a more balanced muscular system. 

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Improved Posture

By strengthening your core and other weaker muscles, your overall posture will improve.

Frequently asked questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • Is EMS Safe?

    Yes. The low-frequency impulses only affect the striated skeletal muscles, which means it can’t reach the organs or the heart.

  • Are the suits and equipment properly sanitised?

    Client always wears their own undergarment prior to putting the XBody suits.

    The EMS suits are properly sanitised before and after each session.

    XBody’s  Hygiene Protocol Utilises a sanitizing spray of around 70% ethanol. 

    These products kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. Designed specifically  for fabric in our suits and has been cleared by relevant Agencies  (for example as the EPA in  the USA to work against Coronaviruses.  

  • EMS and COVID-19?

    We provide  1: 1 training,  or pair training (1:2) with family members of same household, no busy gyms.

    Wireless EMS training allows maximum social distancing to be maintained thanks to our advanced wireless technology.

    XBody’s  Hygiene Protocol Utilises a sanitising spray of around 70% ethanol. These products kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. Designed specifically for fabric in our suits and has been cleared by relevant Agencies  (for example as the EPA in the USA to work against Coronaviruses.  

    Our Mobile technology allows us to train outdoors in open spaces and public parks, being compliant with latest lockdown guidelines.

  • Will EMS affect my heart?

    The low-frequency impulse exclusively activates the striated skeletal muscles, meaning it does not reach the organs or the heart.

  • How long is an EMS training session and what can I expect?

    Active Body EMS session last approximately 40 minutes, from the time of arrival to departure.  The active EMS session is approxiamtely 20-25 minutes.

    During the training you will feel the electrical current contracting your muscles. It will not feel uncomfortable although it might feel a little strange the first time. Most people quickly come to enjoy the feeling of the muscles being activated. 

  • What do I wear or do I need special equipment?

    All you will need is a special undergarment (cotton based) that is available for purchase from us. You wear it every time you train. The undergarment is designed to ensure maximun connectivity with the device and your body.

    *The cost for this suit is (£40).

  • How should I expect to feel after my EMS session?

    After you EMS workout you will feel activated, with some muscle soreness, similar to when you do a full workout.  You might feel new muscles, as the deeper and harder to reach muscles are engaged. 

    * The level depends on your body type and fitness level.

  • Where to train?

    Our training can be done anywhere.

    We normally train at our place in Weybridge, or we can come to the comfort of your home.

    Our EMS Device is completely mobile, so we can also train outdoors, in a garden or even a park.

  • Does it hurt?

    No. During the session, you will feel electrical impulses flowing, which is a 'strange' tickling feeling, but people quickly get used to it, and many come to enjoy it.

  • How long until I see results?

    After a first session you will be able to feel your muscles being activated.  After 6 sessions you will start to  see and feel the difference. However, the results depend on many factors like excess weight, muscle condition, nutrition, current training regiment, water intake, gender and age.

  • Is EMS training enough?

    A constant EMS routine & good nutrition will definitely help you achieve results.  Depending on your personal targets it can also be combined with other activities.

  • What is the age limit for EMS training?

    Pretty much everybody between 16 years and above.  those under 18 years will need parental approval.

    There are certain cases in which we will require a doctor’s approval before your trial and initial consultation for example if a person has other health complications.

  • Who Can NOT do EMS training?
    • Individuals with implanted or external medical device (e.g. cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator) 
    • Individuals with severe cardiovascular diseases (e.g. severe heart or aortic disease).
    • Individuals with severe neurological disorder.
    • Individuals with medication-controlled  or  medication-uncontrolled  seizures  or  convulsions  (e.g. epilepsy).  
    • Individuals with  severe neuromuscular  disorder  (e.g.  rhabdomyolysis  or  any  disorder  that  affects  the nervous system and the muscles and causes rapid breakdown in muscle structure). 
    • Individuals with cancerous lesions (e.g. breast cancer). 
    • Individuals with severe nephrological disease.
    • Individuals with existence or a tendency of internal bleeding.
    • Individuals with non-intact skin (e.g. infected, wounded or any non-healthy, inflamed, irritated or oedematous skin area).
    • Individuals during pregnancy or suspected pregnancy.

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